Reports on Quality of Service Indicators and Reporting Letters (8660)


Each federally regulated telephone company submits a quarterly report to the Commission on 16 indicators. The service level of each indicator is measured against a prescribed standard that must be met. If a standard is not met, the telephone companies are required to report to the Commission on why the standard was not met and provide a remedy.

These standards, originally developed in 1982, ensure that telephone consumers receive an acceptable level of service from their telephone company. These standards make it easier for the Commission to identify service quality problems as they arise and it enables the Commission to work with the telephone companies to implement corrective measures, where necessary. The telephone companies identify service quality issues through self-reporting and subcriber complaints.

Also see reports on Retail and Competitor services

Documents from Interested Parties regarding Reports on Quality of Service Indicators and Reporting Letters

Documents from the Commission regarding Reports on Quality of Service Indicators and Reporting Letters. - List of Interested Parties

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