ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 99-11

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    Ottawa, 14 January 1999

    Decision CRTC 99-11

    Northwest Territories and Yukon Territory

    One-year renewals

    1. The Commission renews the broadcasting licences for the radiocommunication distribution undertakings listed below, from 1 September 1999 to 31 August 2000, subject to the terms and conditions in effect under the current licences.

    Licensee/ Location/
    Titulaire Endroit

    Northwest Territories/
    Territoires du Nord-Ouest

    Dawson Creek Hypervista Communications
    Association (CFSN-TV) Dawson Creek
    Fort Liard Communication Society (VF2022) Fort Liard
    Snowshoe Inn Ltd. Fort Providence
    Hay River Community Service Society Hay River
    The Beaver Creek Community Club (VF2211) Horse Camp Hill
    Association des francophones de Frobisher Bay (CH2260) Iqaluit
    Kakisa Broadcasting Society Kakisa
    Nanisivik Community Club Nanisivik
    Town of Norman Wells Norman Wells
    Pelly Crossing Community Club (CHPE-FM) Pelly Crossing
    Archie Wetrade Rae Lakes
    Hamlet of Resolute Bay Resolute Bay
    Incorporated Hamlet of Sachs Harbour Sachs Harbour
    Wrigley Community Radio Society (VF2025) Wrigley

    Yukon Territory/
    Territoire du Yukon

    Burwash Landing Broadcasting Society Burwash Landing
    International Communications Corp. Carcross
    The City of Dawson Dawson City
    Keno Community Club (CH4094) Keno City
    Silver City Broadcasting Society (CH4701) Silver City
    Liard Broadcasting Society (CH2986) Upper Liard

    2. These renewals do not dispose of any relevant matters which may have arisen during the current licence term. Interested parties will have an opportunity to comment when the renewal applications are considered by the Commission.

    Secretary General

    This decision is to be appended to each licence.
    This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be viewed at the following Internet site:

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