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Decision CRTC 2000-216
Ottawa, 4 July 2000

Peace River Broadcasting Corporation Ltd.
Peace River and Valleyview, Alberta
– 199908919 – 199907599
Applications processed by Public Notice CRTC 2000-33 dated 3 March 2000

Addition of FM transmitters of CKKX-FM and CKYL at Valleyview


The Commission approves the applications to amend the broadcasting licences for the radio programming undertakings CKKX-FM and CKYL Peace River (the originating stations), by authorizing the licensee to add FM transmitters at Valleyview.


CKKX-FM's transmitter will operate on frequency 106.9 MHz (channel 295C1) and CKYL's transmitter will operate on frequency 105.7 MHz (channel 289C1). The transmitters will share a broadband directional antenna and operate with an effective radiated power of 75,000 watts.


Valleyview is located within the Peace River radio market. That market is widely dispersed and stations within it reach only a small portion of the market.


Currently, there are no local radio stations operating in Valleyview. Most of the radio stations received there offer a country music format. Many community organizations and individuals have sent petitions and letters to the applicant requesting the extension of CKKX-FM to Valleyview because they want to receive its pop/rock music format and local content.



In opposing interventions, O.K. Radio Group Ltd., licensee of CFGP-FM Grande Prairie, and Monarch Broadcasting Ltd., licensee of CJXX Grande Prairie, claimed that the real purpose of these applications is to gain access to the Grande Prairie, Alberta radio market. According to the interveners, the proposed transmitters would produce signals that would reach beyond Valleyview's 0.5 mV/m contour and be received in the Grande Prairie area.


O.K. Radio contended that increasing the power of the originating stations to improve coverage in Valleyview's primary market and adding low-power repeaters to reach the smaller, outlying communities would be a more effective way to serve this area.


Monarch argued that there are virtually no households located between Valleyview and Fox Creek and very few communities to the east or west of this area, other than Grande Prairie. For this reason, it believes that Grande Prairie offers the only potential source of revenue for the proposed transmitters.


In response, the applicant stated that only 30% of the coverage area of the interveners' stations overlaps with that of the proposed transmitters and that there is significant difference in coverage patterns. The applicant maintained that it needs powerful transmitters at Valleyview to reach the small communities and rural residents in the surrounding areas. It argued that increasing the power of the originating stations' transmitters at Peace River would not solve the coverage problem at Valleyview and that installing low-power repeaters would require costly program feed systems. With regard to CKYL, in particular, the applicant noted that the station's 0.5 mV/m contour, approved in its 1965 licensing decision, extends south and west of Grande Prairie. The proposed amendment is intended to regain a portion of CKYL's licensed coverage area, while still respecting the interests of Grande Prairie radio broadcasters by using a directional antenna.


The applicant confirmed that the proposed transmitters will use a directional antenna with a verified pattern. Although the transmitters' maximum effective radiated power will be 100,000 watts in most directions, the minimum will be 25,000 watts pointed towards the west in the direction of Grande Prairie.


Finally, while the applicant acknowledged that there are currently few people residing in the area between Valleyview and Fox Creek, it stated that there are plans to construct a four-lane highway connecting the Peace River area and the Alaska Highway. Such a highway would generate considerable traffic flow and many potential listeners.

The Commission's decision


The Commission agrees with the applicant that increasing the power of the originating stations and adding low-power repeaters in the outlying areas would not provide adequate coverage to Valleyview and surrounding area. The Commission considers that the most effective means of providing service to this area is to establish the transmitters as proposed by the applicant. Although the transmitters' signals may be receivable in Grande Prairie, the Commission finds that, as a result of the use of the directional antenna, their reception would not be reliable.


Based on the foregoing, the Commission considers that approval of the proposed transmitters will benefit the people of Valleyview and surrounding area. They will receive two new radio services and will enjoy an increase in the diversity of music formats available in their area. At the same time, the Commission is satisfied that the addition of these transmitters at Valleyview will not cause any undue harm to radio broadcasters operating in Grande Prairie.

Other matters


The authority will only be effective and the licences will only be amended when the new transmitters are constructed and ready to begin operation. When the licensee has completed construction and is prepared to commence operation, it must advise the Commission in writing. If the transmitters are not constructed and ready to operate within 12 months of today’s date, extensions to this time frame may be granted provided that the licensee applies in writing to the Commission before the 12-month period or any extension of that period expires.


The Department of Industry has advised the Commission that the applications are are conditionally technically acceptable. The Department will only issue the broadcasting certificates once it has determined that the proposed technical parameters will not create any unacceptable interference with aeronautical NAV/COM services.


In accordance with section 22(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the above-mentioned amendments will only be valid when the Department of Industry certifies to the Commission that its technical requirements have been met and that broadcasting certificates have been or will be issued.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to each licence.  It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined at the following Internet site:
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