ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-680

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Order CRTC 2000-680

Ottawa, 25 July 2000

Final 2000 Carrier Access Tariff for Abitibi-Consolidated

Reference: 8695-C12-09/99
The Commission approves Abitibi-Consolidated's final 2000 contribution rate of $0.0344 per minute and a final direct toll rate of $0.0118 per minute effective 1 January 2000.

Factors considered for contribution and direct toll rates

1. The Commission directed Abitibi-Consolidated to file evidence related to the final per-minute contribution and direct toll rates for 2000 in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 99-20, dated 1 September 1999 (PN 99-20), and invited the company to comment on the appropriateness of:
  • setting the contribution rate at $0.02 per minute effective 1 January 2000;
  • applying Northern Telephone Limited's direct toll rate as a proxy for its own company direct toll rate; and
  • allowing Abitibi to apply for a local rate increase if required.
2. Abitibi, Cochrane Public Utilities Commission and O.N. Tel were made parties to this proceeding.
3. Abitibi subsequently requested and received approval for a delay in filing evidence in PN 99-20 due to the pending sale of its telecommunications business.
4. On 15 May 2000, O.N. Tel advised the Commission that it was in the process of acquiring the telecommunications business of Abitibi and the parties had agreed that O.N. Tel would file comments on behalf of both itself and Abitibi with respect to Abitibi's final 2000 Carrier Access Tariff (CAT).
Final 2000 contribution rate and direct toll rates effective 1 January 2000
5. O.N. Tel/Abitibi proposed that the final 2000 CAT rates adopted for Cochrane as per Order CRTC 2000-258, dated 6 April 2000, be applied to Abitibi.
6. O.N. Tel further submitted that a CAT for Abitibi (including the billing and collection tariff) should only be applied for the year 2000 until the purchase of the Abitibi telecommunications business by O.N. Tel is completed.
7. O.N. Tel submitted that after the acquisition and until competition is introduced into the operating territory of O.N. Tel, the company would essentially be paying CAT rates to itself.
8. The Commission considers that the final 2000 contribution rate proposed by O.N. Tel/Abitibi is reasonable.
9. However, the Commission is not convinced that there is no need for a CAT rate after acquisition and prior to competition, but it considers that this issue would be more appropriately addressed at the time of acquisition.
10. In light of the above, the Commission approves a final 2000 contribution rate of $0.0344 per minute for O.N. Tel/Abitibi and a final 2000 direct toll rate of $0.0118 per minute.
11. The Commission orders O.N. Tel/Abitibi to issue forthwith revised tariff pages reflecting a final 2000 contribution rate of $0.0344 per minute and a final direct toll rate of $0.0118 per minute, resulting in a final CAT rate of $0.0462 per minute, effective 1 January 2000.
Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2000-07-25

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