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Order CRTC 2000-799

Ottawa, 24 August 2000
General Tariff approved on an interim basis with modifications for Savage Telecom Canada Ltd.
Tariff Notice 1
This order approves on an interim basis, with the changes listed below, Savage Telecom Canada Ltd.'s proposed General Tariff covering general terms and conditions and access services.


Savage filed an application for approval of its General Tariff (CRTC Tariff 21400) which includes general terms and conditions, and provisions and rates for access services for interconnection with local exchange carriers (LECs), interexchange service providers (IXSPs) and wireless service providers (WSPs).


Bell Canada filed comments on 10 July 2000 on behalf of itself and on behalf of Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc. and NewTel Communications Inc. Savage responded to Bell Canada's comments on 20 July 2000.


Bell Canada submitted that the definitions for the following terms require amendments: "class A licensee", "class B licensee", "Canada-U.S. circuit", "overseas circuit", "dedicated service", "joint use-basis", "interexchange service provider" and "stand-by circuits". Bell Canada also submitted that the definitions for "company loop transmission" and "transiting" should be deleted since Savage is not offering loops or transiting service at this time.


Bell Canada noted that Savage's direct connection rates do not comply with the Commission's letter decision dated 19 March 2000 and should be amended accordingly.


Bell Canada submitted that some wording changes are required to the contribution provisions in Savage's tariff.


Bell Canada also noted that Savage's access service tariff for interconnection with WSPs does not reflect the Commission's determinations in Providing trunk-side access and common channel signalling #7 to wireless service providers, Order CRTC 2000-395 and should be amended accordingly.


Savage replied that, pending the Commission's determinations on Bell Canada's comments, it was prepared to adopt Bell Canada's suggested tariff amendments.


The Commission considers that, rather than replace the term "ILECs" with "class A licensee" as suggested by Bell Canada, the note associated with international contribution should include the class A licensee as a party to which an attestation should be sent.


Bell Canada suggested that the term "user" should be replaced with the term "end-user" in the definitions of "dedicated service" and "joint-use basis". The Commission notes that Savage's definitions for these terms are the same as those found in Bell Canada's Access Services Tariff. However, the Commission finds that the remaining changes suggested by Bell Canada are appropriate and should be implemented by Savage.


In addition to the above, the Commission considers that Savage's tariff requires a number of other minor changes for the purpose of correcting and/or clarifying various references and provisions.


In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:
1. The proposed tariffs are approved on an interim basis, with the following changes:
a) amend Item 101, Terms of Service, as follows:

i) in Article 8.3, change the reference from "Article 10" to read "Article 10.1"; and

ii) in Article 10.1, delete the words "the greater of $20.00 and".

b) amend Item 102, Definitions, as follows:

i) in the definition for "Canada-U.S. circuit", delete the words "where the class A Licensee controls the routing of the traffic carried on the circuit";

ii) in the definition for "class A licensee", move the last two sentences in sub-item c) to a new paragraph;

iii) in the definition for "class B licensee", move the last two sentences in sub-item b) to a new paragraph;

iv) delete the definition of "company loop transmission (COLT)";

v) in the definition for "feature group D service", replace the second occurrence of the dialling provision "011+" with "01+";

vi) in the definition for "interexchange service provider", replace the words "interexchange message toll" with "interexchange services";

vii) delete the definition of "IX service provider";

viii) in the definition for "line-side access", add the words "or egress" immediately following the word "access";

ix) replace the definition of "overseas circuit" with the following:

"overseas circuit means a circuit that connects a service or a facility of an international service provider to a country other than the United States, directly or via an overseas carrier, for the purpose of providing overseas services.";

x) delete the last sentence in the definition of "standby circuit";

xi) in the definition of "telephone numbers" add the words "with outpulsing" immediately after the word "numbers";

xii) delete the definition of "transiting"; and

xiii) in the definition of "trunk-side access", add the dialling provision "1+950".

c) in Item 301(o), replace the term "ILEC's" with the term "ILECs";
d) in Item 301(p), replace the term "IXSP" with the term "IXC";
e) in Item 302(1)(b), add the dialling provision "1+950" to the first sentence in the paragraph;
f) in the first sentence in Item 302(1)(e), replace "wit" with the word "with";
g) in the table in Item 302(2)(d), replace the rates as follows:
Charge based on connect time
British Columbia $0.00300
Ontario $0.00300
Charge based on conversation minutes
British Columbia $0.003248
Ontario $0.003233
h) in the first sentence of Item 302(3)(a), replace the word "subscriber" with the word "subscribed";
i) in the table in Item 305(1)(a), insert the word "ILECs," immediately before the words "carriers and other service providers that have attested that they do not use DALs";
j) in the first sentence of "Note 2" in Item 305(1)(a), replace the second occurrence of the words "the Company" with the following: "the applicable ILEC";
k) add the following as "Note 3" in Item 305(1)(a):
Note 3: Where applicable, the contribution charges specified above will be attributed to the company's interexchange services, where interexchange services are defined by the ILECs' exchange boundaries.
l) amend Item 305.1(b) as follows:

i) for each province, British Columbia and Alberta, split the columns into two and insert the following information:

British Columbia
Number of circuits in the circuit group Carriers and other service providers that use DALs
1-3 $14
4-6 $49
7-9 $71
10-14 $89
15-19 $103
20-29 $116
30-39 $128
40-49 $135
50-74 $143
75-99 $150
100 and over $159
British Columbia
Number of ciruits in the circuit group LECs, carriers and other service providers that attest that they do not use DALs (Note 1
1-3 $13
4-6 $44
7-9 $63
10-14 $79
15-19 $92
20-29 $103
30-39 $113
40-49 $120
50-74 $127
75-99 $134
100 and over $141
Number of ciruits in the circuit group Carriers and other service providers that use DALs
1-3 $16
4-6 $54
7-9 $79
10-14 $98
15-19 $114
20-29 $129
30-39 $141
40-49 $149
50-74 $158
75-99 $167
100 and over $176
Number of ciruits in the circuit group ILECs, carriers and other service providers that attest that they do not use DALs (Note 1)
1-3 $14
4-6 $48
7-9 $70
10-14 $87
15-19 $101
20-29 $114
30-39 $125
40-49 $133
50-74 $141
75-99 $148
100 and over $156

ii) add the following as "Note 1" immediately following the table:

Note 1: An attestation that a carrier or other service provider does not use DALs requires that the carrier or other service provider provide an affidavit to Savage and the Commission, sworn by a senior officer of the company, attesting to the fact that the carrier or other service provider does not use any DALs to originate or terminate traffic in the applicable ILEC's operating territory. The affidavit must be resubmitted on an annual basis and include a statement that if, during the year, the carrier or other service provider uses any DALs, the carrier or other service provider will notify the Commission immediately, serving a copy on Savage, and the contribution rate applicable to the carriers and other service providers that do use DALs would immediately apply.

m) amend Item 305(2)(a) as follows:

i) move the last sentence of the first paragraph to a separate line;

ii) in the first sentence of note (*), add the words "the applicable class A licensee," following the words "an affidavit to";

iii) in the second sentence of note (*), add the words "the class A licensee and" following the words "serving a copy on"; and

iv) in note (*), delete the final two sentences.

n) renumber Items 305(2)(c), (d) and (e) as Items 305(2)(b), (c), and (d) and replace the words "at lea" at the end of new paragraph (d) with the following:
"at least one month prior to the date the charges become effective."
o) amend item 305(3) as follows:

i) in sub-item (b), replace the reference to "Item 305.1.a and .b" with "Items 305.1 and 305.2"; and

ii) in sub-item (c), replace the reference to "Item 305.1.a" with "Items 305.1 and 305.2".

p) in Item 402(1) delete paragraph (a), including sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii), and replace with the following:
Seven-digit telephone numbers with outpulsing, associated with the provision of line-side access, are available as outlined below.
q) amend Item 403.3(b) as follows:

i) in the first table, entitled "Line-side access", amend the IX contribution charges, per activated access channel as follows:

British Columbia $23.23
Ontario $6.35

ii) replace the information in the second table, entitled "Trunk-side access", with the following:

British Columbia
Each access channel to a maximum of 24 channels, or $24.30
Each access channel to a maximum of 48 channels, or $38.20
Each access channel to a maximum of 72 channels, or $42.35
Each access channel to a maximum of 96 channels, or $44.50
Each access channel in excess of 96 channels $45.65
IX contribution charges, per activated access channel $23.23
Each access channel to a maximum of 24 channels, or $15.15
Each access channel to a maximum of 48 channels, or $23.80
Each access channel to a maximum of 72 channels, or $26.40
Each access channel to a maximum of 96 channels, or $27.75
Each access channel in excess of 96 channels $28.45
IX contribution charges, per activated access channel $6.35
r) amend Item 403(3)(c) as follows:

i) add the words "Line-side access" immediately after the words "Service charges" in the title for the table; and

ii) add a second table entitled "Service charges - Trunk-side access" and include the following information:

Service charges - Trunk-side access
Order processing, each order
British Columbia $200
Ontario $206
Interconnection trunk activation or change, per trunk
British Columbia $22.05
Ontario $24.85
s) amend Item 403(4)(a) as follows:

i) in sub-item (i), replace the rate shown for British Columbia of $1,156.90 with $1,314.50;

ii) delete sub-item (iii) and renumber sub-item (iv) as sub-item (iii); and

iii) in new sub-item (iii), amend the table to reflect the following:

British Columbia $63,200
Ontario $69,500
t) in Item 502(1)(a), delete the words "under the terms and conditions of this tariff" from the first sentence of the paragraph and the words "subject to the availability of suitable facilities" from the second sentence of the paragraph; and
u) in Item 503(1)(1.1), delete the words "under the terms and conditions of this tariff" from the first sentence of the paragraph.
2. Savage is to issue forthwith revised tariff pages incorporating the changes set out above.
3. Savage is directed to file forthwith its PIC/CARE (primary interexchange carrier/customer acccount record exchange) Handbook and unexecuted copy of its BLIF (Basic Listing Interexchange File) agreement for approval.
Secretary General
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