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Decision CRTC 2001-452

Ottawa, 31 July 2001

Reference: 8643-F10-01/99

Mr. Jonathan Holmes
Manager, Regulatory Affairs
Futureway Communications Inc.
45 Vogell Road
Suite 101
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4B 3P6

Dear Mr. Holmes:

Re: The CRTC approves on an interim basis Futureway Communications Inc.'s PIC/CARE Handbook with the changes set out in this letter

On 23 August 1999, pursuant to Telecom Order CRTC 99-807 dated 18 August 1999, Futureway Communications Inc. filed, for Commission approval, its Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook (PIC/CARE Handbook). The company filed an amendment to its PIC/CARE Handbook on 25 January 2000.

The CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) developed a model PIC/CARE Handbook that was used as a basis for Futureway's PIC/CARE Handbook. The Commission notes that an update to the model handbook was released in July 2000 and that several provisions in Futureway's PIC/CARE Handbook need to be amended to reflect changes to the updated model PIC/CARE Handbook. In addition, certain provisions and sections of Futureway's PIC/CARE Handbook are incomplete or require corrections.

The Commission approves Futureway's PIC/CARE Handbook on an interim basis, subject to the company implementing the following amendments:


On the "Proprietary warning" page replace the third paragraph with the following:

This work contains material that has been derived from the Customer Account Record Exchange - Industry Support Interface (CARE - ISI) guidelines maintained by the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF). The guidelines may be obtained by contacting the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) at


Amend item 1.1 as follows:

(i) Insert the following as the second paragraph:

Equal access also provides the end-user with the ability to access the network of other ACs on a per call basis by dialing a 10XXX or a 101XXXX access code. This is referred to as casual calling.; and

(ii) Add the following to the end of the third paragraph:

Telecom Order CRTC 99-379 established that the requirement to provide equal access did not extend to resellers of local service. It however required these resellers to comply with certain consumer safeguards to ensure that, before contracting with the reseller, customers are advised of, and authorize, their assignment by a reseller to a particular IX service provider. Further, when resellers change IX service providers, they must obtain their customers' authorization.


Move the information contained in item 1.6 to section 5.0, "Local service order processing", as item 5.3 (replacing the word "with" with "wish") and renumber the current item 5.3 as item 5.4. Insert the following as item 1.6:

1.6 Rates and charges

Charges are applicable to the following PIC processing related activities:

· Set-up for each PIC processing account;
· Changes to CARE profile;
· Additional copies of PIC/CARE Handbook;
· PIC processing change, each access line;
· Unauthorized PIC change, each access line;
· Billing telephone number detail, each WTN provided; and
· Request for a verification record.

Full details on the application of rates to CARE transactions are provided in Futureway's General Tariff (CRTC 21290),
part C, item 301.3.


Replace item 2.1, " Carrier identification code (CIC codes)" with the following:

In order for an AC to offer equal access and PIC processing, it must obtain a carrier identification code (CIC). The assignment and management of CIC codes is administered by the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA).

Canadian applicants shall submit all applications for North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA) administered resources directly to the CNA for processing.

For further information, refer to the Carrier Identification Code Assignment Guidelines developed by the Industry Numbering Committee (INC) and the Canadian Adjunct to the INC Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Assignment Guidelines.


Insert the following as the first paragraph of item 2.3:

An AC may wish to receive information concerning the equal access capabilities of Futureway's switches. The information can be obtained by contacting the number provided in
item 2.2.


Amend item 3.1 as follows:

(i) Insert the following as the first paragraph:

PIC/CARE enables the establishment and maintenance of end-user PIC selections and the exchange of customer information between Futureway and the AC.; and

(ii) Replace the bulleted list with the following list:

· Subscribe one or more end-user access line(s);

· De-subscribe one or more end-user access line(s);

· Reconcile PIC selections with Futureway;

· Transfer subscriptions between ACs as a result of acquisitions or mergers;

· Request information on working telephone numbers (WTNs) associated with a billing telephone number (BTN); and

· Return to Futureway any response transaction deemed invalid by the AC.


In item 3.3, insert the following sentence after the second sentence:

In most cases, a WTN identifies a single access line. In select cases, a single WTN may be associated with, and identify, multiple access lines.


Replace item 3.4 with the following:

An AC may submit a request to de-subscribe a specific
end-user's PIC selection in cases where the end-user has defaulted in their payment for services provided by the AC. In the absence of a corresponding subscription to another AC, the end-user will be subscribed to Futureway.

De-subscription orders are accepted at the WTN level only. A desired due date is not accepted on these requests.

An end-user wanting to change a PIC selection from their current AC to another AC may do so only by contacting the new AC. A de-subscription order from the current AC should not be used for this purpose.


Change the title in item 4.2 to "Validation of conflicting requests" and replace the words "the first subscription order received by Futureway will take precedence" with "the end-user remains with the current AC and all AC orders are rejected".


In the second paragraph of item 5.1, replace "LSP" with the words "local service provider (LSP)".


Amend item 8.3 as follows:


(i) In sub-item (iii), replace the words "Currently not supported by Futureway" with the following:

The AC must provide toll-free access to the end-customer for the purpose of accessing an electronic order confirmation.

In the course of contact with an end-customer, representatives of the AC are permitted to transfer the end-customer directly to the electronic order confirmation system to complete the confirmation.

If the end-customer is not accessing the electronic order confirmation system from the telephone access service on which the PIC is to be changed, then the electronic order confirmation system must include further security measures to verify end-customer identity before the confirmation is processed.

Calls to a toll-free number will connect the end-customer to an interactive voice response (IVR) unit (or Touch-Tone pad input device or a similar device), which will record the following information: automatic recording of the working telephone number to be subscribed to the PIC (or evidence of further security measures as required to verify end customer identity), date and time, and PIC to confirm the end-customer's choice of AC. The IVR system must require the end-customer to take some action (e.g., pressing a key on their dial pad) thus positively confirming the service order.

(ii) In sub-item (iv), replace the words "Currently not supported by Futureway" with the following:

The AC must use at least one of the following methods of security to ensure privacy and authenticity of information sent between the two parties (AC and

· A secure link between the AC and the end-customer;

· A key server, to allow a party to encrypt messages that only a key holder can decrypt; and/or

· A unique password between the AC and the end-customer.

The AC may use another form of "off-line" or "on-line" identification (e.g., toll-free number or customer password sent to the billing address) in order to further verify the authenticity of the end-customer and to confirm the end-customer's request.

The Internet order confirmation process must confirm the information set out in section 8.4 and must also include an explicit indication from the end-customer that they are the authorized account-holder for their telephone service.

The AC must appropriately notify its customers of the potential for risk in doing business over the Internet, so that end-customers are aware of the need for safeguards on both ends to ensure confidentiality and security.


Add the following to the end of the paragraph in item 9.6:

The information must be accompanied by a certification from the AC that the transcribed record is an accurate representation of the end-customer order confirmation. Refer to appendix H for electronic order confirmation forms.


In the first sentence of the second paragraph in item 11.1, change the reference to 5.3 from 1.6.


In section 14.0, "Local procedures", Futureway is to include information on the following Items:

Expedited orders;
Business migrations and conversions; and
Special services.


The last sentence of item 14.4 should be replaced with the following:

For more information, see schedule H, section B of the Master Agreement for Local Interconnection.


Amend section 16.0, "Glossary", as follows:

(i) Add "CLOG: Canadian Local Ordering Guide"; and

(ii) On the third page, replace the second occurrence of "AC" with IXC.

Futureway is directed to file, within 30 days, a revised copy of its PIC/CARE Handbook, which incorporates the changes set out above for the Commission's final approval.

Yours sincerely,

Ursula Menke
Secretary General

cc: C. Bailey, CRTC (819) 997-4557

Date Modified: 2001-07-31

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