ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Samer Bishay (Iristel Inc.)

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Ottawa, 17 February 2017

Our reference:  8663-J64-201611913


Mr. Samer Bishay
President and CEO, Iristel Inc.
675 Cochrane Drive, 6th Floor, East Tower
Markham, Ontario  L3R 0B8

RE: Part 1 application by Iristel Inc. requesting implementation of local competition in the exchange of Aylmer, Ontario – requests for information

Dear Mr. Bishay,

On 17 November 2016, Iristel Inc. (Iristel) filed a Part 1 application requesting an order from the Commission directing Amtelecom Telco GP Inc., a business unit of Bragg Communications Inc. carrying on business as Eastlink (Eastlink) to implement local competition in Aylmer, Ontario (Aylmer, ON), a territory served solely by Eastlink.

To assist the Commission in disposing of Iristel’s application, the company is to file responses to the attached requests for information with the Commission by 20 March 2017.

Parties to this proceeding may file comments to Iristel’s responses to the requests for information by 19 April 2017.

Iristel may reply to any comments by 3 May 2017.

Documents to be filed or served by a specific date must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.


Original signed by

Kay Saicheua
Director, Competition and Emergency Service Policy
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:  Christine Brock, CRTC, 819-997-4557,
Rizwana Alamgir-Arif, CRTC, 819-997-4651,
Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as Eastlink,
TELUS Communications Company,
Independent Telecommunications Providers Association,

Attach. (1)


Requests for information

  1. Describe how Iristel plans to meet, in the exchange of Aylmer, ON, all its obligationsFootnote1 as a telecommunications carrier seeking Type 1 CLEC status. Your description should detail how Iristel plans to meet, among others, its obligation to provide 9-1-1 and message relay services to its customers.
  2. Describe Iristel’s plan to deploy transmission facilities to implement its local voice services in the exchange of Aylmer, ON. Specifically, the response should provide details on:
    1. Iristel’s proposed fibre build, including i) the length of the fibre to be deployed, ii) the location of the terminations points; iii) the portion of the fibre that will be constructed as a joint-build to a mutually agreed point, and iv) any portion exclusively built by Iristel as a part of its deployment of transmission facilities;
    2. the location of Iristel’s switch for voice services, and its interconnection path to Eastlink’s local and tandem switches; and
    3. other relevant facts to demonstrate that Iristel plans meet the definition of a transmission facility, as defined in the Telecommunications Act. Footnote2  
  3. Provide an annual forecast over 5 years, starting in January 2018 of the volume of voice traffic (in minutes) going over the planned interconnection path. The forecast is to include a breakdown between total incoming and total outgoing voice traffic minutes.
  4. In paragraph 24 of its reply comments dated 19 January 2017, Iristel stated that:
     “NAS forecasts are becoming a misleading indicator of the number of subscribers that a CLEC hopes to attract as there are increasingly advanced telecommunications Internet of Things technologies being deployed in the market that allow a wider range of household devices to be connected to the Internet with phone numbers.”

    Provide an annual forecast over 5 years, starting in January 2018, of the Voice over Internet Protocol demand for telephone numbers for the proposed Aylmer, ON exchange. If possible, identify the percentage of this forecast associated with the adoption of Internet of Things. If it is not possible to identify a percentage, explain why.

  5.  Provide an annual forecast over 5 years, starting in January 2018, of i) the number of local service customers expected to be physically located within the Aylmer, ON exchange and ii) the number of customers using that service that are expected to be physically located outside of the Aylmer, ON exchange. 
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