2009-01-08 - #: 8661-C12-200900094 - Notice of Consultation 2009-6 - Call for comments on a proposed model tariff for the 9-1-1 emergency response service offered by competitive local exchange carriers

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Notice of Consultation 2009-6 Schedule


 Deadline Dates

Notice of intention to participate 2009-01-30
Comments 2009-02-09
Reply comments 2009-02-19

List of Related Documents

Section 1 - Commission Documents
a) Notices of Consultation, Decisions, etc.
b) List of Interested Parties
c) Correspondence to Parties

Section 2 - Documents from 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (CoopTel), 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (Sogetel Numérique), Access Communications Co-operative Ltd., Amtelecom Limited Partnership, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, Bluewater TV Cable Ltd., Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd., Bruce Telecom, Câble-Axion Digitel Inc. , CityWest Telephone Corporation, Cogeco Cable Inc., CoopTel, DERYtelecom inc., Distributel Communications Limited, Dryden Municipal Telephone System, EastLink Telephone, ExaTEL Inc., Execulink Telecom Inc., Fido Solutions Inc., FlexITy Solutions Inc., Globility Communications Corporation, Gosfield North Communication Co-operative Limited, Hay Communications Co-Operative Limited, Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited, Iristel Inc., ISP Telecom Inc., IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c., Kenora Municipal Telephone System, La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc., La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc., La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor, La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick, La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton Inc., Lansdowne Rural Telephone Co. Ltd., Maskatel inc., Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited, Mountain Cablevision Limited, MTS Allstream Inc., Nexicom Telecommunications Inc., Nexicom Telephones Inc., North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Ltd., NorthernTel, Limited Partnership, Northwestel Inc., NRTC Communications, Ontera, People's Tel Limited Partnership, Persona Communications Corp., Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc., Rogers Cable Communications Inc., Roxborough Telephone Company Limited, Saskatchewan Telecommunications, Shaw Telecom G.P., Sogetel inc., TBayTel, Télébec, Limited Partnership, Téléphone Drummond Inc., Téléphone Guèvremont inc., Téléphone Milot inc., Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc. Téléphone Milot inc., Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc., Telnet Communications, TELUS Communications Company, Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited, Videotron Ltd., Westman Media Cooperative Ltd., Wightman Telecom Ltd., WTC Communications
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments

Section 4 - Documents from Parties
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Comments
c) Reply comments

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents
a) Costs
b) Others

Section 1a) Notices of Consultation, Decisions, etc.

2009-10-16 - Telecom Order CRTC 2009-655 Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of the Canadian Association of the Deaf in the Telecom Notice of Consultation 2009-6 proceeding
File numbers: 8661-C12-200900094 and 4754-350

2009-07-02 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2009-400 Establishment of a model tariff for the 9-1-1 emergency response service offered by competitive local exchange carriers
File number: 8661-C12-200900094

Section 1c) Correspondence to Parties

No documents

Section 2a) - Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 2b) Comments

2009-02-09 - City of Calgary
Description: The City of Calgary files these comments pursuant to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission's 2009-6 Notice of Consultation, dated 2009 January 8, pertaining to a proposed model tariff for 9-1-1 emergency response service offered by competitive local exchange carriers.
Document: 1021452.pdf - 194KB

2009-02-09 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Conformément au paragraphe 14 de l'Avis de consultation de télécom 2009-6 - Appel aux observations sur un modèle de tarif proposé pour le service d'urgence 9-1-1 offert par les entreprises de services locaux concurrentes, Cogeco Cable inc., au nom de Cogeco Cable Canada inc., désire soumettre les présentes observations en rapport avec cet avis de consultation.
Document: 1021498.pdf - 26KB

2009-02-09 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: Pursuant to the directives in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-6, Call for comments on a proposed model tariff for the 9-1-1 emergency response service offered by competitve local exchange carries, TELUS Communications Company submits the following comments regarding the issues raised by the Commission.
Document: 1021474.zip - 41KB

2009-02-09 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-6, Call for comments on a proposed model tariff for the 9-1-1 emergency response service offedred by competitive local exchange carrirers, issued 8 January 2009, the following constitutes the comments of MTS Allstream Inc.
Document: 1021451.pdf - 52KB

2009-02-09 - Quebecor Media inc. (QMI) au nom de Vidéotron ltée
Description:  Conformément aux procédures énoncées dans l'AP 2009-6, QMI, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron ltée (Vidéotron), soumet auprès du Conseil ses observations dans le cadre de la présente instance.
Document: 1020999.doc - 159KB

2009-02-09 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to paragraph 9 of Telecom Notice 2009-6, Rogers hereby submits its comments on the following questions.
Document: 1020754.pdf - 65KB

Section 2c) Reply comments

2009-02-19 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-6, issued 8 January 2009, the following constitutes the reply comments of MTS Allstream Inc.
Document: 1028316.pdf - 51KB

2009-02-19 - Quebecor Media inc. (QMI) au nom de Vidéotron ltée
Description: Conformément aux procédures énoncées dans l’AP 2009-6, QMI, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron ltée (Vidéotron), soumet auprès du Conseil sa réplique aux observations dans le cadre de la présente instance.
Document: 1028277.doc - 162KB

2009-02-19 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  Rogers is in receipt of comments put forth by Telus Communications, MTS Allstream, Cogeco Cable, Quebecor Media as well as the City of Calgary and the Canadian Association of Deaf (CAD) in responses to Notice 2009-6.
Document: 1028015.pdf - 55KB

Section 4a) Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 4b) Comments

Comments received electronically

2009-02-09 - Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD)
Description: The CAD has participated in numerous CRTC proceedings in connection with telecommunications and broadcasting matters that affect the Deaf.
Document: 1025298.doc - 30KB

Section 4c) Reply comments

2009-02-19 - Canadian Assocation of the Deaf (CAD)
Description:  Canadian Association of the Deaf submits that the model tariff become mandatory and that all the requirements of the tariff apply to all the parties
Document:  1028024.doc - 29KB

Section 8a) Costs

2009-03-10 - Canadian Assocation of the Deaf (CAD)
Description: Public Notice 2009-6 - Call for comments on a proposed model tariff for the 9-1-1 emergency response service offered by competitive local exchange carriers - Application for Costs
Document: 1041733.zip - 122KB

Section 8b) Others

2009-07-31 - Access Communications Co-operative Limited
Description:  Access Communicationsis filing this letter in response to the direction issued by the Commission in paragraph 50 of the above-referenced Decision.
Document: 1251259.pdf - 49KB
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