ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 88-388

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Ottawa, 8 June 1988
Decision CRTC 88-388
Alain Desjardins, on behalf of a company to be incorporated
Mont-Laurier and Annonciation, Quebec -874075500 -874076300
Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region on 12 April 1988, the Commission approves applications for authority to acquire the assets of CKML Mont-Laurier and its rebroadcaster CKLR Annonciation, owned by Moquin, Girard, Giroux Inc., trustee of the assets of Radio Mont-Laurier Ltée, and for broadcasting licences to continue the operation of these undertakings, under the same terms and conditions as the current licences, except for proposed modifications to the existing Promises of Performance.
The Commission will issue licences to Alain Desjardins, on behalf of a company to be incorporated, upon surrender of the current licences. The Commission notes that the expiry date of the current licences for CKML and CKLR is 30 September 1989 and that the new licences to be issued will expire 31 August 1992.
This authority will only be effective and the licences will only be issued at such time as the Commission receives documentation establishing that the company has been incorporated in accordance with the applications in all material respects.
The Commission notes that these stations have not been on the air since October 1986, when Radio Mont-Laurier Ltée declared bankruptcy. In considering these applications, the Commission's principal concern has been the restoration of a viable service in communities that at present have no private radio service.
The Commission has thus taken into account the available financial resources of the applicant and the other three shareholders in the company to be incorporated, including the proposed capital investment of $220,000 to put the station back on the air, and their knowledge of the market to be served.
The Commission has also noted that the applicant proposes a number of changes to the stations' previous Promises of Performance. Spoken word content is to be increased from 24.1% to 38.2%, which is to be reflected particularly in more surveillance information which will total 22 hours 23 minutes a week. News broadcasts are to be increased from 11 hours 33 minutes to 12 hours 51 minutes a week, of which 2 hours 34 minutes (20%) will be devoted to local and regional news. In this regard, the applicant intends to hire a second full-time journalist and to purchase an automobile for the exclusive use of the news staff. The Commission expects the applicant to make every effort to increase its local and regional news coverage.
The applicant has not, however, provided any specific plans or commitments in respect of the development and support of Canadian talent. The Commission reminds the applicant of the particular importance it places on Canadian talent development, and expects it to submit a report within three months of the date of this decision outlining its specific plans for the development of local and regional talent, including precise budgetary allocations.
The Commission acknowleges the interventions in support of the applications submitted by Mr. Barry Moore, MP for Pontiac-Gatineau-Labelle, the Mont-Laurier Chamber of Commerce, the C.L.S.C. Haute-Laurentides, the Mont-Laurier Town Council and the Troupe Monterrat. It also notes the interventions from Radio-Nord Inc., which stated that it would be prepared to provide FM service to the Upper Gatineau if these applications to acquire assets are denied.
It is a condition of each licence that the applicant adhere to the CAB self-regulatory guidelines on sex-role stereotyping, as amended from time to time and approved by the Commission.
In Public Notice CRTC 1986-351 dated 22 December 1986, entitled Policy on Sex-Role Stereotyping in the Broadcast Media, the Commission stated that it intended to review with broadcasters at licence renewal time their efforts towards elimination of sex-role stereotyping. Inasmuch as Commission files indicate that the existing licensee has not yet filed a report on initiatives to deal with complaints and to educate staff as to concerns in this area, the Commission requires the applicant to submit a report within three months of the date of this decision, detailing the measures it has taken to address the concerns and expectations outlined in the Commission's policy statement.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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