ARCHIVED - Order CRTC 2000-363

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Order CRTC 2000-363

Ottawa, 1 May 2000
Norigen Communications Inc.'s tariff changes to contribution provisions and rates for access services

Reference: Tariff Notice 2
The Commission approves on an interim basis, with the changes noted below, Norigen Communications Inc.'s proposed tariff revisions to its contribution provisions and rates for access services that were filed pursuant to Commission decisions.


Norigen filed this application proposing revisions to its General Tariff (CRTC Tariff 21310) on 22 March 2000. The application proposed changes to its definitions, contribution provisions, direct connection rates and Basic Listing Interchange File service rates pursuant to various Commission decisions.


The Commission notes that a definition for "direct access line" is required. In addition, several of the per-circuit contribution rates and a contribution exemption provision require minor changes.


In light of the foregoing, the Commission orders that:
(a)     The proposed tariffs are approved on an interim basis with the following amendments:
  • in Item 102, Definitions, add the following definition for "direct access line":

Direct Access Line (DAL) means a network arrangement used to transmit traffic over a dedicated facility between an IXSP's interexchange network and a subscriber's premises.

  • in Item 305(1)(b):

i) in the first table, the rate for 75-99 circuits in Alberta of $167.00 should read $166.00; and

ii) in the second table, the rate for 40-49 circuits in Alberta of $132.00 should read $133, and the rate for 50-74 circuits for Alberta of 140.00 should read $141.00.

  • replace the first paragraph in Item 305(3)(b) with the following:

The contribution charges in Item 305.2 do not apply to:

- international data traffic; or

- international voice traffic carried on a facility dedicated to the use of one customer; or

- international transit service not connected to the Canadian public switched telephone network.

(b)     Norigen is directed to issue forthwith revised tariff pages incorporating the changes set out above.

Secretary General

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