Public Notice CRTC

See also: 2000-10

Ottawa, 27 March 2001

Correction to Public Notice CRTC 2000-10; Final revisions to certain exemption orders

1. In Public Notice CRTC 2000-10 dated 24 January 2000, the Commission published revisions to twelve exemption orders. The Commission made the revisions following its consideration of public comments received as part of a review process initiated in Public Notice CRTC 1998-40 and continued in Public Notice CRTC 1999-133.

2. It has recently been brought to the Commission's attention that the published text of one of the revised exemption orders, namely the Exemption order respecting closed circuit video programming undertakings,contains an unintentional revision, one that was neither proposed in the public comments nor contemplated by the Commission in its deliberations. Specifically, in the paragraph describing the purpose of this class of exempted undertaking and the kinds of programming that such undertakings may provide, the phrase "video games programming services" was inadvertently omitted, as was a reference to such services in paragraph 4 under "Description." References to "video games programming services" were included in the amendments to the Order made in Public Notice CRTC 1996-151.

3. The paragraph describing the purpose of closed circuit video programming undertakings, now corrected by the inclusion of the phrase, appears below.

The purpose of these television programming undertakings is to provide a programming service, whether for a separate fee or not, to temporary residents of hotels, motels and hospitals or the inmates of prisons only, and not to residents of permanent dwelling places. The programming consists only of feature motion pictures intended for theatrical release, video games programming services, or information about the city or about the premises served by the undertaking, and does not contain any commercial messages.

4. Paragraph number four of the "Description" section of the exemption order, as corrected, is as follows:

The undertaking provides a programming service consisting only of feature motion picture films intended for theatrical release or promotions for such films, video games programming services, and information about the city and the facilities for the guests of hotels or motels, the patients of hospitals and the inmates of prisons.

Secretary General


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