ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-291

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Telecom Order CRTC 2007-291

  Ottawa, 10 August 2007

TELUS Communications Company

  Reference: Tariff Notice 4282 (TCBC)

Program Transmission Service


The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications Company (TCC), dated 5 July 2007, proposing revisions to the former TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. (TCBC) General Tariff item 406 - Program Transmission Service in order to correct a transposition error in the column headers identifying the rates for 2.75 kHz and 5 kHz occasional use Interexchange Channels - Intraprovincial Channels.


TCC noted that the transposition error indicated that the first-hour rate per mile and associated minimum mileage charge for the 2.75 kHz service were higher than those for the 5 kHz service. TCC also noted that the transposition error affected only the presentation of the rates as they appeared in the tariff page, and had had no effect on the actual billing.


The Commission approved TCC's application on an interim basis effective 13 July 2007 in Telecom Order 2007-235.


The Commission received no comments with respect to this application.


The Commission notes that, although TCC indicated that the transposition error had had no effect on the actual billing, it has been in place since 5 May 1998. The Commission therefore considers that TCC has been charging otherwise than in accordance with the approved rates for TCC's Program Transmission Service since that time.


The Commission notes that paragraph 25(4)(a) of the Telecommunications Act states that "the Commission may ratify the charging of a rate by a Canadian carrier otherwise than in accordance with a tariff approved by the Commission if the Commission is satisfied that the rate was charged because of an error or other circumstance that warrants the ratification."


The Commission finds that TCC's explanation regarding the transposition error is reasonable and, accordingly, considers it appropriate to ratify the charging of the existing Program Transmission Service rates, as specified in the proposed tariff page, for the period during which the service was provided otherwise than in accordance with an approved tariff.


In light of the above, the Commission approves on a final basis TCC's proposed revisions to the former TCBC General Tariff item 406, effective the date of this Order, and ratifies the charging of the rates for TCC's Program Transmission Service from 5 May 1998 to 13 July 2007.

Related document

  • Telecom Order CRTC 2007-235, 5 July 2007

Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2007-08-10

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