ASL – How will I know when the CRTC has made its decision?

Video Transcript

It can take months for the CRTC to consider all of the information on the public record and make its decision. Once made, the decision is published on the website. All CRTC decisions can be found on the Decisions, Notice and Orders index webpage.

For proceedings that deal with less complex issues, a decision is usually published within four months after the end of the proceeding process, also known as the close of record. Proceedings that deal with more complex issues can take longer.

The CRTC aims to publish all of its decisions within the time frames specified in the appendix to the Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2011-222.

This video is intended for Canadians that use American Sign Language (ASL) as their primary language. It answers some of the frequently asked questions on proceedings.

For more information, see the ASL - Roadmap to CRTC processes

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