ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 86-964

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Ottawa, 30 September 1986
Decision CRTC 86-964
Télécâble des Mille-Iles Inc.
Terrebonne, Mascouche, Lachenaie and an area of Saint-Louis-de-Terrebonne, Quebec - 860250000
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1986-98 dated 30 April 1986, the Commission renews the licence for the broadcasting receiving undertaking serving the communities noted above and will issue a Class 1 licence to Télécâble des Mille-Iles Inc. for the period of 1 October 1986 to 30 September 1990. The operation of this undertaking will be regulated pursuant to Parts I and II of the Cable Television Regulations, 1986 (SOR/86-831 dated 1 August 1986) and the licence will be subject to the conditions specified in this decision and in the licence to be issued.
The licensee proposes to continue the distribution of more than one affiliate of the same U.S. network, which is contrary to the Commission's policy with respect to the distribution of U.S. networks. However, in view of the particular circumstances of this case, including the fact that such distribution has been in place for several years, the Commission considers that an exception is justified. It therefore authorizes the licensee to continue the distribution of the signals of WMTW-TV (ABC) Poland Spring, Maine, and of WVNY (ABC) Burlington, Vermont, on the basic service of this undertaking.
Consistent with Decision CRTC 85-1310 dated 27 December 1985, the Commission relieves the licensee, by condition of licence, from the application of paragraph 9(1)c) of the regulations with respect to the priority designation of the educational television station CFTU-TV (C.A.N.A.L.) Montreal. The licensee is therefore authorized to continue to distribute this programming service on a channel of the basic service available by converter.
The licensee proposes to continue to distribute several alphanumeric and special programming services. The Commission notes that, as a result of the promulgation of the new regulations, the licensee may distribute any alphanumeric service without further Commission authorization. The licensee is authorized to continue to distribute, without advertising material, the following special programming services: television listings, ethnic programming, arts and entertainment, sports and leisure and Enfants-Jeunesse (including Télé des Jeunes).
With regard to the distribution of the ethnic programming service, the Commission authorizes the licensee, by condition of licence, to include video and/or audio sponsorship mention, including logo, name, address and type of business undertaking, in program credits. In this particular instance, the licensee is also authorized to add French- or Englishlanguage subtitles to feature films distributed on the multicultural special programming service where they are an integral part of the original production.
The licensee is authorized to distribute French Television Programming (TVFQ-99) on the basic service.
The Commission notes that the proposed distribution of the Greek radio service conforms with sub-paragraph 16(3)d) of the regulations.
The licensee is reminded that, pursuant to section 16 of the new regulations, it must distribute all the mandatory audio programming services, including local A.M. stations.
The Commission acknowledges the licensee's commitment to allocate a budget of $175,000 to community programming for the 1986/87 fiscal year and encourages it to continue its efforts regarding the production of community programs that reflect the concerns and interests of subscribers. The Commission reminds the licensee that it must ensure that the community has equitable access to its community channel and expects the licensee to retain full control over the programs broadcast on this channel.
The licensee is authorized to charge subscribers a maximum basic monthly fee of $12.43 for the provision of programming services on its basic service. This amount forms the base portion of the basic monthly fee for the purpose of section 18 of the Regulations.
It is a condition of licence that the licensee delete commercial messages from television signals received from broadcasting stations not licensed to serve Canada and substitute suitable replacement material in place of such messages upon receipt of notice in writing from the Commission.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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