ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 87-220

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Ottawa, 26 March 1987
Decision CRTC 87-220
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Middleton, Digby, Yarmouth, New Glasgow, Mulgrave, Margaree, Cheticamp, Sydney and Halifax, Nova Scotia; Port au Port and St. John's, Newfoundland - 863087300 - 863088100 - 863089900 - 863090700 - 863091500 - 863092300 - 863093100 - 863094900 - 863095600 - 863096400 - 863097200
Pursuant to Public Notice CRTC 1987-34 dated 9 February 1987, the Commission approves the applications to amend the broadcasting licences of CBAF-21-FM Middleton, CBAF-31-FM Digby, CBAF-30FM Yarmouth, CBAF-27-FM New Glasgow, CBAF-25-FM Mulgrave, CBAF-15-FM Margaree, CBAF-17-FM Cheticamp, CBAF-24-FM Sydney, CBAF-19-FM Halifax, CBAF-16-FM Port auPort and CBAF-20-FM St. John's, by deleting the existing condition of licence relating to the stations' program source and substituting the following condition of licence:
The licensee shall operate the broadcasting undertaking as part of the French-language AM Radio Network operated by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with programs received from CBAF Moncton and CBAF-19-FM Halifax.
Fernand Bélisle
Secretary General

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