ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8661-B2-200602781

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Ottawa, 4 April 2007

File No. : 8661-B2-200602781


Mr. Willie Grieve
Vice President, Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Company
10020-100th Street NW , 21st Floor
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0N5

Re:   Bell Canada 's Part VII application concerning Competitor Digital Network Services in the territory of TELUS Communications Company in Quebec

On 6 March 2007 , the Commission informed TELUS Communications Company, Télébec and Bell Canada that the Order Issuing a Direction to the CRTC on Implementing the Canadian Telecommunications Policy Objectives applied to Bell Canada 's Part VII application concerning competitor digital network services in the territory of TELUS Communications Company in Quebec .   Accordingly, the Commission wrote, parties to the proceeding who wished to address the Policy Direction had until 21 March 2007 to file their submissions.

On 29 March 2007 , the Commission received a letter from TCC stating that the company did not receive the Commission's 6 March 2007 letter because of an error the Commission had made in the e-mail address of TCC's regulatory affairs representative.   In its letter, TCC stated that it did not become aware of the Commission's letter until 27 March 2007 , when it was checking the Commission's Web site, and requested that it be given an extension to 16 April 2007 so that it could submit its comments.

The company's request is granted.

Yours truly,

"Original signed by S. Bédard"

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

c.c.   Martin Brazeau, CRTC 819-997-3498
        Michel Gilbert, Société en commandite Télébec
        Mirko Bibic, Bell Canada

Date Modified: 2007-04-04
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