Telecom Decision CRTC 2019-23

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Ottawa, 29 January 2019

Public record: 8621-C12-01/08

CISC Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering – Consensus report CNRE122A regarding updates to the Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Guideline


  1. In Telecom Decision 2016-345, the Commission approved an application by TELUS Communications CompanyFootnote 1 to establish a special location porting zone (LPZ) within the Metro Vancouver area that would enable residential and business subscribers to keep their telephone numbers when moving to a new address within this extended area. Normally, wireline-based carriers require that a customer be assigned a number associated with the exchange in which they reside, primarily for rating purposes. In this case, the creation of the LPZ had no impact on calling rates.
  2. In Telecom Decision 2016-345, the Commission also requested that the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) amend the relevant industry guidelines and agreements to reflect its determinations.
  3. On 27 September 2018, the Commission received the following consensus report from the CISC Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN):
    • Updates CSCN Guidelines to address the Metro Vancouver Location Porting Zone, 29 June 2018 (CNRE122A)
  4. The consensus report can be found in the “Reports” section of the CSCN page, which is available in the CISC section of the Commission’s website at
  5. In the consensus report, the CSCN proposed revisions to update the Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Guideline (the Guideline) to reflect the Commission’s determinations regarding the establishment of the Metro Vancouver LPZ.
  6. The CSCN noted that it had reviewed all its guidelines and determined that only the Guideline required updating. The CSCN indicated that it had also updated the Guideline to reflect the Commission’s determinations set out in Telecom Decision 2017-203, i.e. to discontinue further assignment of 555 line numbers in Canada to align with the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions Industry Numbering Committee’s treatment of this resource.
  7. The CSCN requested that the Commission approve the consensus report and the associated revised Guideline, including Appendices E (Location Routing Number (LRN) Assignment Criteria), G (Reserved and Held Telephone Numbers), and H (Special Administrative Measures with respect to Code Holders that cease Business Operations).

Commission’s analysis and determinations

  1. The Commission has reviewed the proposed changes to the Guideline and Appendices, and considers that they reflect the Commission’s determinations set out in Telecom Decisions 2016-345 and 2017-203. Further, the Commission notes that the CSCN also made appropriate changes to reflect the name change of an external administrator.
  2. Accordingly, the Commission approves consensus report CNRE122A, including the proposed updated Guideline and appendices E, G, and H.

Secretary General

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