Broadcasting - Commission Letter addressed to Annie Provencher (Association Québécoise de la production médiatique)

Ottawa, 29 July 2022

Annie Provencher
Association Québécoise de la production médiatique
1470 rue Peel, Bureau 950, Tour A,
Montréal (Québec)

Dear Ms. Provencher:

This is in response to your inquiry sent by email on 12 July 2022 regarding Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2022-165, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation – Various audio and audiovisual services – Licence renewals.   In your email, you note the Commission states at paragraph 296 that the percentage of Canadian programs that were produced by independent producers increased over the last licence period.  

You note, however, that in her dissenting opinion, Commissioner Lafontaine refers to figures (section 7v, Table 2) that demonstrate a reduction in the percentage of Canadian programs produced independently for CBC and Radio-Canada’s Conventional Television Networks and Stations over the last licence period.   You asked how the two different “interpretations” can be explained.

I note that the statement made by the Commission at paragraph 296 of the Decision is correct, based on information derived from the CBC/Radio-Canada logs submitted to the Commission that are publically available. The comments and opinions expressed in a dissenting opinion are those of the dissenting member and do not form part of the Commission decision.

I hope the above fully responds to your question.


Amy Hanley
Executive Director (interim), Broadcasting

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