La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe Corporation - 8180-H37-201803966

Documents des ESLC, des ESLC proposées et documents connexes en 2018

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2018-12-13 - Lettre du Conseil - Description : Lettre adressée à La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe Corporation - Objet: Registration of La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe Corporation as a CLEC

2018-11-09 - La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe Corporation
Description : Please accept this notification by La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe Corporation (Hearst Wi-Fibe) that it has fulfilled all of the Commission's CLEC obligations, set out in Telecom Decision 978, as modified from time to time, and requests that the Commission recognize Hearst Wi-Fibe as a Type lV Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC).
Document : 3534764.pdf - 703 Ko

2018-07-10 - La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe Corporation
Description : In a letter dated June 6, 2018, the Commission notified La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe
Corporation (Hearst Wi-Fibe) that it completed the requirements for registration as a proposed
Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC).
Document : 3172024.pdf - 507 Ko

2018-06-07 - La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe Corporation
Description : Pursuant to the procedures established in Telecom Decision 97-8, Telecom Decision 2006-58 and subsequent Commission directives, Hearst Wi-Fibe files the following information that will be provided to existing and potential customers in respect of the CLEC requirements:
Document : 3160646.pdf - 732 Ko

2018-05-03 - La Corporation Hearst Wi-Fibe Corporation
Description : Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, and subsequest Decisions and Orders, Hearst Wi-Fibe provides this notice of intent to provide local telephone services as a Type IV competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) in NorthernTel Limited Partnership's Hearst Exchange (NTL-LIR-01). Hearst Wi-Fibe proposes to begin offering local exchange voice services on or after June 15, 2018.
Document : 3145868.pdf - 895 Ko


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