2001/02/28 - #: 8662-T3-02/01 - Telesat Canada & TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership - Demande de révision et modification de la Décision 2000-745 - Modifications au régime de contribution

2001/05/31 - Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2001-435 Le Conseil rejette la demande de Télésat Canada et de TMI Communications and Company Limited Partnership visant à obtenir que le Conseil modifie la décision 2000-745 de manière à exempter Télésat et TMI des frais en pourcentage des revenus pour les revenus provenant des services par satellite ou, comme solution de rechange, leur permettre d'obtenir des subventions du fonds national pour compenser leurs frais annuels de fourniture du service dans le Nord. Le Conseil rejette également la demande de la SRC visant une exemption spécifique pour les services par satellite fournis aux radiodiffuseurs en général et à la SRC en particulier. Référence : 8662-T3-02/01.

2002/03/08 - Telesat Canada - "Version imprimée"
Description:  This letter will serve to acknowledge that Telesat Canada has been advised of the withdrawal of Star Choice Television Network Incorporated ("Star Choice") from the above-noted Petition, which is currently before Cabinet.

2001/05/09 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN) - Objet: Décision CRTC 2000-745 - Modifications aux régions de contribution

2001/04/09 - Telesat Canada & TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership
Description: Pursuant to section 62 of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, please find attached the Reply of Telesat Canada and TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership.
Document:  010409.zip - 34KO

2001/03/30 - Bell ExpressVu
Description: We fully support Telesat's review and vary application (Application to Review And Vary Decision CRTC 2000-745 submitted by Telesat Canada and TMI Telecommunications & Company, Limited Partnership, February 28, 2001.)
Document:  010330.doc - 47KO

2001/03/30 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Description: Comments
Document:  010330.doc - 342KO

2001/03/30 - Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB)
Description: CAB supports the application by Telesat and TMI and wishes to provide the attached additional comments.
Document:  010330.zip - 128KO

2001/03/30 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, please find attached TELUS Communications Inc.'s ("TELUS") comments on the above referenced application dated February 28, 2001, seeking a review and variance of Changes to the contribution regime, Decision CRTC 2000-745, issued November 30, 2000.
Document:  010330.zip - 34KO

2001/03/30 - Le Réseau des sports inc. (RDS)
Descripton: Lettre d'appui à la position de Telesat Canada quant à la décision CRTC 2000-745
Document:  010330.doc - 23KO

2001/03/30 - CTV Inc.
Description: CTV Inc. ("CTV") is pleased to provide comments in the above-noted matter in support of the application by Telesat Canada/TMI Communications to review and vary the CRTC's Decision 2000-745.
Document:  010330.doc - 27KO

2001/03/30 - Rogers Wireless Inc.
Description: Attached, please find Comments of Rogers Wireless Inc. with regard to the above noted application.
Document:  010330.zip - 21KO

2001/03/30 - Canadian Satellite Users Association (CSUA)
Description: The Canadian Satellite Users Association (CSUA) files this submission in support of the above noted review and vary application. CSUA represents the Canadian broadcasters, specialty, pay, pay per view and educational organizations (broadcasters) that distribute their licensed broadcast signals in Canada via satellite facilities.
Document:  010330.doc - 65KO

2001/03/30 - Global Link Data Solutions
Description: Comments
Document:  010330G.txt - 3KO

2001/03/30 - Pelmorex Communications Inc.
Description: Comments
Document:  010330.doc - 158KO

2001/03/30 - Saskatchewan Communications Network (SCN)
Description: Comments
Document:  010330.doc - 51KO

2001/03/28 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel ("the Company") recognizes the significant contribution Telesat has made in providing critical telecommunication links to the North and appreciates their continued support.
Document:  010328.doc - 21KO

"Observations reçues en version imprimée seulement"
2001/03/30 - Reeves Wireline
2001/03/30 - Globalstar Canada Co.
2001/03/30 - CHUM Limited
2001/03/30 - Alliance Atlantis Broadcasting Inc. (Alliance Atlantis)
2001/03/30 - Seimac Limited
2001/03/30 - The Bank of Montreal (BMO)
2001/03/30 - Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. (CANCOM)
2001/03/29 - Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
2001/03/28 - Société de télédiffusion du Québec (Télé-Québec)
2001/03/28 - Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund
2001/03/28 - Glentel Inc.
2001/03/27 - Wireless Matrix
2001/03/27 - Novanet Communications Limited
2001/03/23 - VancouverTeleport Ltd.

2001/03/27 - SaskTel Regulatory Affairs
Description: The following constitutes the response of Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel") to Telesat Canada and TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership: Application Pursuant to Section 62 of the Telecommunications Act to Review and Vary Decision CRTC 2000-745, Changes to the contribution regime, 30 November 2000 ("Decision 2000-745") dated 28 February 2001.
Document:  010327.doc - 30KO

2001/02/28 - Telesat Canada
Description: Please find enclosed an application by Telesat Canada and TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership to Review and Vary CRTC Decision 2000-745, Changes to the Contribution Regime, dated 30 November 2000.
Document:  010228.zip - 901KO

Mise à jour : 2003-11-20

Date de modification :